SSY Scheme 2023. Which scheme is best for girl child?

SSY Scheme 2023:  This article of ours is for all those parents who want to secure and prosper the bright future of their daughter and that is why we are giving you detailed  SSY launched by the post office in this article.

Table of Contents

Want to tell you about Scheme 2023 i.e. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 2023, for which you will have to read this article till the end.

On the other hand, we want to tell all the parents that,    to apply for the Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, you will need some documents and that is why, in this article, we will give you the documents and qualifications sought under the scheme in detail. Will tell you about, it so that all of you can get the benefit of this scheme by applying in this scheme.

Lastly, at the end of the article, we will provide you with quick links so that all of you can get all types of articles related to  SSY Scheme 2023  from time to time.

SSY Scheme 2023 – Brief Introduction

Scheme Namesukanya s mridhi yojana 2023
article nameSSY Scheme 2023
Article Typegovernment scheme
Who can apply?All citizens of India can apply.
What is the medium of application?One has to apply offline at the post office.
What is the maturity period of the scheme?full 21 years
For how many years, one has to invest in the scheme?only 15 years
How much interest rate will be available under the scheme?Will get an interest rate of 7.6%.
Scheme detailsRead the article carefully.

SSY Scheme 2023: Investing ₹ 10 thousand a month in this government scheme, you will get 52 lakhs, understand the complete details like this?

Let us now tell all of you readers and especially all of your parents about the benefits and features that are available under the  Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, which are as follows

Will get the benefit of an attractive interest rate of 7.6%

  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana has been specially designed to build a bright future for your daughters because this scheme is basically a  long-term  plan,
  • This plan  not only caters to  your daughter‘s higher education  till  maturity  but also covers your daughter’s  grand  wedding,
  • On the other hand, if we talk about what percentage of interest you get annually under the scheme, then we want to tell you that, under this scheme, you will get  7 . a 6% interest rate is provided which is much higher than other FDs, RD, NSC, and PPF.

SSY is heavy on RD and FD 

  • Here we want to tell you that, if you  want to invest in Fixed Deposit (FD) or Recurring Deposit (RD) to secure your daughter’s future, then not only do you  need to  invest  in the amount  is needed but you  also get less return  and
  • On the other hand, if you invest in SSY, then not only do you get handsome returns,  but you do not even need a hefty amount to invest.

Income tax exemption will be available for investing Rs 1.50 lakh in SSY

  • Another feature of  Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 2023  is that under this scheme, you are given an exemption  from  income tax,
  • Let us tell you that,  under  SSY, you are given income tax exemption on investing a maximum of Rs 1.50 lakh under Section 8 0-C  under the Income Tax Act, 1961, so that you get the maximum benefit of this scheme.  it happens.

How much will you get after depositing 10000 in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana?

  • We want to explain to all our  parents  the complete  maths  of the explosive returns  that we get under this scheme, under  which we want to tell you that, if you  invest Rs.10,000 per month i.e. Rs  does,
  • So according to this, you  can invest a total  of  Rs 18, 00,000  in the whole 15 years,
  • Now on this  18,00,000 lakh  rupees, you  are given an interest rate  of  7.6%  and
  • In the end,  summing up everything you will get Rs 52,74,457 after exactly 15 years by investing just Rs 10,000 every month and thus you can easily secure and prosper your daughter’s future under this scheme etc.

For how many years one has to invest in the scheme?

  • We want to inform all the parents that the total maturity period  of this scheme is 21 years  .
  • But the most attractive and profitable feature of this scheme is that, you have to invest in this scheme  regularly  for only  15 years  and
  • Lastly  , in the remaining  6 years ,  you are given the benefit of interest rate  at the rate of  7.6 percent on the same amount deposited by you in the last  15 years.

Lastly, in this way, we told you about the benefits and features that you will get under this scheme so that all of you can apply for this scheme as soon as possible and get the benefits of this scheme.

What are the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana documents required?

In this scheme, all of your parents will need some documents to apply, which are as follows –

  • An identity card of the mother/father,
  • daughter’s aadhar card,
  • Bank account passbook in the name of the girl child or in the name of the guardian,
  • Passport-size photograph of the girl child and
  •  Current mobile number of mother/father etc.

By completing all the above documents, you can apply for this scheme and get the benefits of this scheme.

How to Apply for SSY Scheme 2023?

All those parents who want to  apply their daughters in this  SSY (Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana)  , they have to follow these steps which are as follows –

  • To apply for SSY Scheme 2023, all of your parents  will first have to go to the nearest  post office  in your area and from here you will have to get  SuKanya Samridhi Yojana – Application Form,
  • Now you  have to fill out this admission  form  carefully,
  • Self-attested  all the required documents  will have to be attached to the  application form  and
  • Lastly, you have to submit all your documents and application forms in the same post office and get the receipt, etc.

By following all the above steps, all of you parents can easily apply for your daughter in this scheme and get the benefits of this scheme.


In this article, we have not only told all of you parents or guardians in detail about  Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 2023, but we have told you in detail about SSY Scheme 2023 with the help of the entire offline application process so that Everyone can apply for their daughters in this scheme as soon as possible and get the benefit of this scheme and build their bright future.

Finally, at the end of the article, I hope that all of you parents must have liked this article very much, for you will like, share and comment on this article.

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