PM YASASVI Scheme 2023: Online Registration Starts at

The Prime Minister’s Scholarship Award Program for Young Achievers in India YASASVI is a scholarship program created by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment of the Government of India for eligible students. PM YASASVI Scheme The NTA has started the application procedure for the scholarship entrance examination for 2023. All qualified applicants are encouraged to register for the scholarship program on the NTA’s website by 28 December 2023.

This scholarship is restricted to OBC, Nomadic, and semi-Nomadic tribes, DNT. The exact eligibility requirements are outlined in the next section. Students in 9th grade and those in 11th grade are awarded scholarships at two different levels. MSJ&E, a national testing agency founded by the government of India, is an autonomous, self-sufficient premier testing organization that conducts efficient and transparent standardized tests for the admission of applicants to premier higher education institutions.

Consequently, the government has developed the PM Young Achievers Scholarship Award Scheme for a Vibrant India (YASASVI)This scholarship program is granted only to Indian students. by the specific state/union territory to which the applicant belongs, i.e., where she/he resides. A written examination known as the YASASVI ENTRANCE TEST 2023 will be used to select applicants for scholarship awards.

PM YASASVI Scheme 2023

In this article, we will learn about the PM YASASVI Scheme 2023, including its aims, advantages, and other pertinent information.The National Testing Agency has invited applications for the Yasasvi Entrance Test 2023 from 11th July 2023 and the last date to apply for the exam is 10th August 2023. Interested applicants can visit the official website on or before the last date. The entrance exam is to be conducted on 29th September 2023 (Friday).

PM YASASVI Entrance Test 2023 Details in Highlights

NameYasasvi Entrance Test
Conducting AuthorityNational Testing Agency (NTA)
ObjectiveExam to select students in Class IX and Class XI who fall within the OBC, EBC, and DNT categories for scholarship awards to attend Top Schools determined by the MSJ&E.
Mode of the ExamOMR based i.e., Pen and Paper mode
Exam PatternObjective Type
Total Questions100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
MediumEnglish and Hindi
Examination Date28 December 2023
Examination Fee
Submission of online Application Forms
Official Website

PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 Objectives

PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 Benefits. Scholarships provide these students with the resources they need to become financially independent and continue their studies. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJ&E) of the Government of India has created the PM Young Achievers Scholarship Grant Scheme for a Vibrant India (YASASVI) to award scholarships to students from various impoverished classes.


PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 Benefits

  1. The benefits the government provides through the scholarship scheme are as follows: 
  2. Firstly, this scholarship is transparent and tests are conducted to international standards, which determine the morals of students after they qualify for such exams. 
  3. The scheme provides a benefit for both class nine and class ten students only. 
  4. Under the scheme, class nine students will get a salary of Rs. 75,000 per year. Also, class 11 students will get 125,000 rupees per year. 

YASASVI Entrance Test (YET) Structure 

Subjects of TestNo. of Questions Total Marks 
Mathematics 30120
Social Science25100
General Awareness/Knowledge25100

PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The following prerequisites must be met in order for candidates to be admitted to the entrance exam:

  1. The applicant must have permanent residency in India.
  2. A candidate must fall into one of the following categories: OBC/ EBC/ DNT SAR/NT/SNT.
  3. Applicants for the PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 must have completed the eighth grade in order to sit for the tenth-grade examinations in the session of 2023
  4. The yearly income of the applicant’s parents should not exceed Rs. 2.5 lakh.
  5. Students applying for a ninth grade must have been born between April 1, 2004, and March 31, 2008.
  6. Students applying for the eleventh grade must have been born between April 1, 2004, and March 31, 2008.
  7. All genders are welcome to apply for this program.

PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 Documents Needed 

Documents needed for the schema are as follows:

  1. A candidate must possess a class 10 passing certificate or a class 8 passing certificate.
  2. Candidate must hold an income certificate
  3. Identification card of the candidate.
  4.  Email address and cellphone number.
  5. The candidate must have at least one of the following credentials: Certificates for OBC/ EBC/ DNT SAR/NT/SNT, respectively.

PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 Important Dates

Events Important Dates 
Last date to apply for PM YASASVI Scheme28 December 2023
Availability of application correction windowIt will be announced on the NTA website
Last date to make corrections It will be announced on the NTA website
YET admit card It will be announced on the NTA website
YET examIt will be announced on the NTA website
Answer keyIt will be announced on the NTA website
Result DeclarationIt will be announced on the NTA website

PM YASASVI Scheme 2023 Online Registration

  • Visit the official website of the YASASVI scheme, which can be found on the NTA website, in order to submit your application for the program.
PM YASASVI Scheme 2022 Online Registration
  1. You will need to choose the register option from the menu that is located on the right side of the page.
  2. When you click the Register button, a new page that is titled Candidate Registration Page will appear in front of you.
PM YASASVI Scheme 2022 Online Registration
  • On the candidate registration screen, you will need to enter in the candidate’s name, email ID, date of birth (D.O.B), and password before clicking the create account button.
  • You will be registered with no problems at all! But Note down the system-generated Application Number. 

How to Apply for PM YASASVI Scheme 2023

  • After the candidate has successfully enrolled, they are eligible to apply for one of the following scholarship programs:
  • Candidates for Trust Think are required to log in by clicking the button labeled “login” located in the “helpful links” section of the main page.
  • You will then see a new page appear in front of you, on which you will be required to enter your application number and password before clicking the submit button.
  • After you have successfully signed in, go to the portal’s YASASVI test registration page to sign up for the exam.
  • Send in all of the information that was requested.
  • Keep the page for your own use in the future.

View School List

  • Open the official website of the scholarship scheme.
  • The homepage of the website will open on the screen.
  • Now select the list of school options from the home screen.
View School List
  • A new page will be displayed where you have to select the state, city/ district, and name of the school.
  • On selection, the list of schools will be displayed on the screen.

View State-wise Allocation of Slots

  • Open the official website of the scholarship scheme.
  • The homepage of the website will open on the screen.
  • Now select the State-wise Allocation of Slots options from the home screen.
  • The new PDF file will appear on the screen.
View State-wise Allocation of Slots
  • The file will have all the details of the slots.
  • Click on the download option to get the file downloaded to your device.

PM YASASVI Scheme Contact Details

  • NTA Help Desk: 011-69227700, 011-40759000
  • NTA Email address:
  • Website:,,


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  1. At post rewral tah. Mouda dist. Nagpur

  2. Scholarship

  3. Sir sc st valo ke liye nhi hai abhi

  4. I am given this exam and get the 100 percentage sccolercip

  5. Student ka scolership milta hai ya nahi

  6. Rawilay station road rani ki sarai sethawal azamgarh

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