How to earn money online 2023 , Earn daily upto 2000

How to earn money online, friends, are you also thinking that ” Online Paise Kaise Kamaye ” in the 21st century, everyone wants to earn more and more money online by working less hard from their mobile and there are many people who That’s earning money online and I know you also want to earn money online. Although skill is required to earn online money, even if you do not have any skill, you can easily earn it online.

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In today’s time, the most discussed topic is Online Paise Kaise Kamaye and friends, let us tell you that in today’s time Digital Industry is emerging as one of the biggest industries in the world, and earning Online Paisa is also a part of the digital industry.

2 ways to earn money online while sitting at home

In today’s time, people are earning money in many ways, one of which is earning money online many people have been earning money online for many years, but do you also want to know how to earn money online, let’s see that Online Paise Kaise Kamaye Hai.

Friends, today we are going to tell you those 8 ways to earn money online, out of which you can earn money online sitting at home using any one of the methods and that too easily, there are some such ways in which you can earn money online absolutely free. You can earn money Today we are going to tell you how to earn money online, and all the methods used by our team, and then after that, we are telling you about these 8 ways to earn money online.

Earn money online from a blog

Friends, Blog is the world’s very best online money-earning tool, through which you can earn Rs 30000 to Rs 500000 per month. Blog means that you can tell and learn your knowledge or skill through your website to the whole world. . And you can earn lakhs of rupees by sharing your knowledge all over the world.

What is a blog?

Friends Blog is a type of service through which many people share their knowledge and skills through the internet, and any person can easily share their knowledge and skills through a website. To earn money from the blog, first of all, you have to have knowledge on any topic and after that, you have to share that knowledge with the world through a website.

How can I create my own blog?

  • First of all search for the topic – Friends, to create a blog, first of all, you must have a topic on which you can write and share something.
  • Buy Domain – Friends, if you want to earn money from an online blog, then you must have a domain in which you can put your article.
  • Buy hosting – It is very important to have hosting because for whatever website you are going to make, it is very important to have storage and website-making software, so you may need to buy hosting. But if you do not want to spend money on hosting, then you can create a website/blog for free on
  • Create a website – Friends, after buying the domain and hosting, you have to create a website of your ownSo first of all you create a website.
  • Put content on the website – Friends, a blog only means having content on the website, so it is necessary to have content on your website, then after creating the website, put the content.

How can I make $100 on my blog?

Friends, as soon as you create a blog, then after that you can earn money in many ways with the help of a blog. You can easily earn a lot of money through a blog. The most popular means to earn money from blogs is AdSense from which you can earn money. And also through Affiate Marketing, you can earn lakhs of rupees from the blog.

Earn money online from youtubE

As soon as this question comes to your mind, Online Paisa Kaise Kamaye, then first of all the name of YouTube must have come to mind. But you will not know how to earn money from YouTube and how much money you can earn from YouTube.

Friends YouTube is a very good and easy way to earn money in today’s digital time from where you can earn around Rs 20000 to Rs 600000 per month in the initial time.

How to earn money from youtube

To earn money from YouTube, first, you have to create a YouTube channel. Anyone can create a YouTube channel very easily. Only one Gmail id is required for the YouTube channel.

How do I make my YouTube channel name unique?

Friends, it is very important that you keep your channel name unique and also make sure that the name of the channel does not match the name of any other channel.

Example: If you name your channel Technical Guruji, then your channel will never show on YouTube search because there is already a channel on YouTube named Technical Guruji.

Put only your own video on YouTube – Can I upload videos on YouTube just for myself?

Attention friends, if you want to earn money from YouTube, then it is very important to have videos on your YouTube channel. The better and more videos, the more the chance to earn money. But if you are thinking that I will download someone else’s video and put it on my channel and earn a lot of money online, then you are thinking absolutely wrong.

To earn money from YouTube, you have to make your own video and put it on a YouTube channel, only then you can earn money from YouTube.

Make a good quality video – How do I upload to YouTube without losing quality?

Friends, to earn money from YouTube, there should be a video on the YouTube channel, but along with the video, its quality should also be good. In today’s time, any person watches the same video whose quality is good to watch. If the quality of the video is not good, then your viewers will like to leave your video and watch someone else’s video.

Is YouTube a good way to make money?

Although you can earn money from YouTube in many ways, today I am going to tell you three ways, with the help of which you can easily earn 30000 rupees per month –

  • 1. Adsense – Adsense is the only one through which almost all YouTubers earn lakhs of rupees a month. To get Google Adsense approval, you must have 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel as well as 4000 hours of watch time. If you have all this on your channel, then you will get the approval of Google Adsense, after which you can earn money online from your YouTube channel.
  • 2 . Affiliate Marketing; Affiliate Marketing is also a great way to earn money online. In this, you can earn money by selling the product of any other company through your YouTube channel. In this only you have to put the Affiliate link in the description of your video.
  • 3. YouTube Sponsored Videos; Friends, if you create a YouTube channel and your video gets a good view, then many companies give good money for making sponsored videos. By which you can earn very good money.


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  1. Yas mujhe karna hai ye jon

    1. Ritika ji mujhe bhi karna hai join

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