How To Download Ayushman Card: Have you also lost your Ayushman card due to which you are worried, then let us tell you under the good news now you can check and download your Ayushman card only from your Aadhaar card number and that’s why We will tell you in detail in this article, How To Down load Ayushman Card
At the same time, let us tell all the readers and beneficiaries that, to do How To Download Ayushman Card , you should also have your current mobile number linked in the Aadhaar card of the beneficiaries.

That you can apply for O.T. P can verify and check and download your Ayushman card Lastly, at the end of the article, we will also provide you quick links so that all of you can easily check and download your Ayushman card
How To Download Ayushman Card – Overview
Name of the Portal | National Health Authority Portal |
Name of the Article | How To Download Ayushman Card? |
Type of Article | Latest Update |
Mode | Online |
Charges | NIL |
Requirements? | Aadhar Card Linked Mobile Number For OTP Verification. |
Official Website | Click Here |
Download your Ayushman card only from Aadhaar card
We, in this article of ours, want to warmly welcome all the beneficiaries of Ayushman Bharat Yojana who want to check and download the Ayushman card issued under their respective Ayushman Bharat Yojana and that is why we are giving you this article Will tell in detail, How To Download Ayushman Card?Here let us tell you that, to do How To Download Ay us hman Card , all of you beneficiaries will have to adopt the online process , whose complete detailed information we will provide you in this article, so that all of you can easily apply for your Ayushman card . You can check and download the card .
Lastly, at the end of the article, we will also provide you quick links so that all of you can easily check and download your Ayushman card .
Step By Step Online Process of How To Download Ayushman Card?
All our beneficiaries who want to check and download their Ayushman card have to follow these steps which are as follows –
- To check and download How To Download Ayushman Card , first of all you all have to visit the home page of its official website , which will be like this –
- After coming on this page, you have to click on the Aadhaar option ,
- After clicking, some other options will open in front of you, which will be like this –
- Now here you have to select pmjay in scheme option, choose your state name and also you have to enter Aadhaar Number / Virtual ID ,
- After this you have to generate O. Click on TP option
- After clicking, you will get OTP on the mobile number linked to your Aadhaar card , which you will have to type and click on the option of Proceed .
- After clicking, a page like this will open in front of you –
- Here you will get to see your name and at the same time you will get the download option on which you will have to click.
- After clicking, your Ayushman card will open in front of you, which will be like this –
After following all the above steps, all of you Ayushman card holders can easily check and download their Ayushman card and get its benefits.
In this article of ours, we have told all the readers and beneficiaries with the complete online process that how you can check and download your Aayushman card and that is why we told you in detail in this article, How To Download Ayushman Card so that you can check and download your Ayushman card as soon as possible.
Finally, at the end of the article, we hope that all of you must have liked this article very much, for which you will like, share and comment on this article.
Quick links National Health Authority Portal
FAQ’s –
How To Download Ayushman Card?
How do you get an ayushman card on your phone?
While the new BIS has been enabled to facilitate the users to generate their Ayushman card, the old version of BIS is still running on You can get yourself registered for Ayushman Card at your nearest CSC center or at any empanelled PMJAY hospital.
How do I find my ayushman card?
Use Helpline Number: Another method to check Ayushman Bharat eligibility is by simply contacting the helpline number 14555 or 1800 111 565.
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