GPS Area Calculator app

GPS Geo Measure GPS Area Calculator app   is the perfect GPS and land surveying unit for you to use! This awesome application is used to calculate the distance between two points on a map, while you are travelling someplace, which can be extremely helpful if you wish to calculate the distance between two different cities. GeoMeasure also helps aid in measuring areas and displaying them on a map. Whether it’s farm or google maps, it will assist you greatly in determining how large or small an area actually is as well as calculating and converting its units into something else.

GPS Area Calculator app

GPS Geo Measure is an excellent GPS field area map measurement tool that helps you greatly when you are travelling somewhere if you want to calculate the distance between two points in your area. It is a bright GPS and land surveying application. With it, you can measure the distance very fast in any place. This app will help you well to check area convert, their units, and conversion in easy.

You can easily measure the distance of the area with the Area and Perimeter calculator app. It transforms your smartphone into a professional device which will let you measure areas faster than ever! You can even calculate distances for other measures such as road work, construction, or gardening area using the footage calculator app.

Measure field is a unique application that allows users easy access to specific measurements of the area. It will notify you once the data has been collected and can be displayed on your smartphone. There’s nothing more complicated than that!

This app enables you to know the exact area and distance of the areas that are being measured equally without any special skill required. Anyone who has a smartphone with android or ios mod-post-likes can use this application and do an area measure calculation just right.

There are two ways to create measurements: With Maps

You can search for the location of your field/land or find the current location and the place border of the area.

– The maps allow you to locate the area without any prior measurements.

Importing a Photo

– A photo of land, fields or any other randomly shaped polygon can be imported. To measure the photo, simply trace the image over it. To set the image’s scale ratio, you will need to specify the distance between the lines.

This feature is useful when distance measurements of your land boundaries are taken by yourself or by a regional Patvari (Government Accountant), and you need to calculate the area.

To calculate the area in real-time, simply draw a rough sketch. Then add the measured boundaries.

You can convert the area calculated to any Unit. This Unit Converter includes all Imperial Units, Metric Units, and major Indian Units that are used in land records in different states.

Awesome Features:

100% accuracy of areas calculated with Coordinate and Spherical geometry Each line on the map is displayed at a point-to-point distance.

Manual distances. Manually input the land border measurements. To manually alter the length of a line, tap on its distance label. This feature is currently only available when measuring on photos.

Multiple layers for measuring multiple areas of the same map.

Calculate and save measurements.

Share the Link to Your Saved Area The link enables the user to view and update the area.

You can zoom in and out, scroll the map, and use standard gestures to do so.

It is easy to add, modify, or delete points from a map. One tap to add a new point

One tap to add a new point

To easily move the point, tap on it. Drag and drop the point you wish to change.

Double-tap on any line to add a new point at this position.

Instant calculation of separate area and distance measuring units

Major India Units Included are as follows:

  • Bigha
  • Biswa
  • Aankadam
  • Shatak
  • Perch
  • Rod
  • Vaar (Gujarat)
  • hectare
  • Acre
  • Are
  • Marla
  • Cent
  • ground and many more.

GEO AREA is for:

  • Land-based surveys
  • Farmers, for farm management
  • Land record management
  • Construction surveys
  • Agronomists
  • Town planners
  • Construction surveyor
  • Health, Education and facilities mapping
  • Farm fencing
  • Sports track measurement
  • Construction sites and building sites area
  • Asset mapping
  • Landscape artists
  • Landscape design
  • Add New GPS Tools Below
  • GPS Compass
  • GPS Speedometer
  • Location Save and Share

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